TYMB 001: Introduction & Remembering Grads

TYMB 001: Introduction & Remembering Grads

[powerpress url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/theyouthministryblog/01_TYMB_001__Introduction_and_Remembering_Your_Graduated_Students.mp3″]

Welcome to The Youth Ministry Blog Podcast!


1. Call your recently graduated students & challenge them to plug in. You students need to feel that they can come to you with anything. By contacting them after they have gone off to college or work, you are taking the first step in continuing that line of communication. When you talk to them, ask them if they have found a church community to plug into. Encourage them to be actively seeking a place where they can get in community and grow.

2. Find a church that you would want to go to and swap information between the church and your grad. I am actively looking for a church for one of my students who is attending Cal Berkeley. I’m looking for a church and a community that is passionate about discipling students and within a 5-10 mile radius of her dorm. Make a list and do this for your departed students!

3. Send a care package to your recently graduated students. Who wouldn’t love to get ramen noodles in the mail? Send you graduated students some that says, you are not forgotten and you need to do your laundry!

Calls To Action:

1. Subscribe to the Podcast. Now up on iTunes!
2. Comment below on what you would like to see me cover in the podcast.

Praying for you,
