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Welcome to The 3rd Youth Ministry Blog Podcast!


1. Do a meet-n-greet for 6th Graders (or whatever your transition grade might be).

Regardless of when students enter your area of ministry, you will want to do some form of Meet-n-Greet event. If you are a high school pastor, use it to get to know your incoming Freshmen and their parents. If you are in “tweener” ministry with 4th & 5th graders, do it to help parents terrified their “little baby” is growing up.

2. Use it to establish rapport with parents!

Building trust and rapport with parents is crucial. Make sure the first experience they have with you (and your ministry) is a positive and encouraging one. Use this time to cast vision for the parents. Project where you would like to see little Johnny be by the time he exits your ministry. Tell them what you hope to accomplish, how you can work as a team, and what resources are available to them. When you end your time with these new parents, make sure you make yourself available. Let the parents know they can come to you at ANY time, not just after little Johnny gets caught __________.

3. Use it to get to know your new students.

If you have been working in tandem with your Children’s ministry, then many of the students might already know you. Use this time to get to know them a little better. Break down some of the walls they might have built about how “scary” the student ministry can be. Give them something like a t-shirt from a past event, a youth ministry sticker, really anything free will go a long way with new students!

4. Resources:

MailChimp Email Service – Free & Easy way to start a Newsletter to parents!

Parent Point Card – Download and print on card stock.

Parent Point PNG – Use this to brand your parent communications

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