As youth workers, we make great sacrifices. (And all ministers do for that matter.) We work long, strange hours for students who don’t always show appreciation for what we do, while getting paid very little for the time and effort we put in. This is nothing you don’t already know. After all, you didn’t go into ministry for the paycheck and glory! We make these sacrifices in order to see the next generation fall in love with Jesus Christ and pursue Him with their lives.
Of all the sacrifices we make, one that we should not make is quality time spent with our spouses. These are the true heroes in youth ministry! They have to put up with our late nights, long hours, and little pay! So the least we can do is give back to them what we do have…ourselves. So here is my challenge to you: Prioritize your spouse. Set aside time to focus on your marriage and put this on the calendar before anything else! Make plans for the kids and give them what they deserve, your undivided attention. Quality time with your spouse is not just something that happens, it HAS to be intentional.
So stop reading this blog! It’s Friday, why are you thinking about Youth Ministry?! Go call a babysitter, make reservations at his/her favorite restaurant, and be present with your spouse!
Yes, it is Friday but my wife is at work…so I am reading blogs. We all know this needs to be true, and it is always easier to say than actually do. It is not only the day to day that is important, but also how you respond to “bigger” things like family emergencies. I wrote about this recently on my blog, check it out
Thanks Brian, I’ll check it out!